Monday, October 18, 2004

A problem solved

My Chick
Originally uploaded by incitatus.
My Chick Alison (ie the one in the picture) has a really nice car which she bought about four months ago, a Holden Astra Convertible. She lets me drive it every so often, which is pretty cool.

For a while, we've been wondering where the switch to turn on the internal reading light is. Al hasn't had the time to hunt through the manual to find the answer, and of course, I'm a bloke, and to actually read the manual would be the death of my blokeness.

So we've been reading the street directory at night by the street lighting.

Last night, I was dropping the kids back at Christine's place after basketball, and Josephine was reading a book on cats in the front seat. It was dark, about 6:45pm, and she was having trouble seeing the book.

The only way I can explain it, is that something clicked in my brain — I reached to the headlight switch, pulled it toward me, and there was light! "There you go, Sweetheart," I said to Jojo, nonchalantly concealing the huge bubble of ecstatic triumph.

The whole brain/solution thing is very disturbing.

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